¨ gallery 2013 | UNFORESEEN
Before we take a little break to take care of our own lives and adventures, we want to invite you to take part in a special ¨gallery show that challenges you to bring us the 'unforeseen'. There will not be a specific event this time but instead we want you to visit our little gallery during the time span between October 2012 and January 2013 and install your own artwork. If you can, do take a picture and post it to our page or send it to umlautgallery[at]gmail.com! We hope to hear from you! And please do share!
So far we've had lovely submissions by Lina Faller ('Missing Summer'), Horst Ambacher ('Love and Voyeurism'), Uta Sienel ('Break Out II'), Pascale Ruppel & Anja Neukamm (Russian Winter), Kamil (Canis Maior) and Charlotte Erichsen (Landscape I) but see for yourself: